
Important: this page and the content on it was written during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is therefore possible that some information is no longer up-to-date.

Because we’re all going through a turbulent period, because being a parent is not always easy (and even less so at the moment) and because Kaleido will always be there for you, we’ve grouped our best content right here to help everyone get through this crisis together… one day at a time. It will be ok.

Family Life in Confinement Educational Activities at Home Managing a Tighter Budget Government resources

Family Life in Confinement

Des outils précieux pour votre vie de famille chamboulée : des idées d’activités, des astuces pour la vie quotidienne, des conseils de spécialistes, des tranches de vie et plus.

Educational Activities at Home

Keeping up your children’s schooling during confinement may seem daunting, but it’s definitely possible. The key to avoiding extra pressure is to focus on the pleasure of learning and knowing when to give it a rest. Here are some fun ideas for educational activities!

Managing a Tighter Budget

The family budget also takes a hit in times of crisis. Advice is greatly welcome during this period when ingenuity is needed to stretch every dollar. Here are some personal finance tips to go thrifty and save a little money.

On our blog:

Introducing Kids to Personal Finance

Balanced Lunches on a Budget

A Buy-Nothing Year: The Highs, The Lows, The Balance Sheet

The 3 Little Pigs of Savings!

5 Thrifty Tips to Lower Your Expenses

Teach your Kids Good Money Habits

The CLB Grant 101


Follow us on Instagram to see how the Kaleido family is spending its day-to-day at home.